Since version 3.5, you can use Rufus to make download requests for Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 ISO image files from Microsoft servers which will include sources\install.wim. HTG: Change Browser useragent without extensions.Responsive Design Mode#Saving custom devices.Remember the download link only valid upto 24 hours.Īlternatively, you can change useragent type about:config into Firefox’s address bar, right-click on the page, point to New, and select String, name the preference, enter your desired user agent as the value of the preference. Then choose Windows edition, product language, and 32bit or 64bit. "You’ve been routed to this page because the operating system you’re using won’t support the Windows 10 media creation tool and we want to make sure you can download Windows 10" abc), Refresh (F5) that webpage and you will be automatically redirected to mobile webpage. Open the #1 PC link in Firefox, Choose the screen size as you want, Change useragent in the box saying Custom User Agent, Type useragent randomly (e.g. Open Firefox (newer versions), press Ctrl+Shift+M, which opens Responsive Design Mode. Here I use Firefox but Chrome can also be used.

To download that ISO file, you need to change useragent in your PC browser or use a different device other than PC. Microsoft provides Windows 10 ISO for both Anniversary and Creators update till now.

If you want ISOs for the Windows 10 April 2018 Update (Version 1803), select Windows 10 Version 1803, Redstone4 - Build 17134.1. If you want other ISOs for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, select Windows 10 Version 1709, Redstone3 - Build 16299.15. If you want other ISOs for Windows 10 Creators Update, select Windows 10 Version 1703, Redstone2 - Build 15063.0. On the right site you can find now download buttons for the selected ISO.